Posted by: Molly!!! | June 27, 2012


L’amour, L’amour, d’attend.
I’m drunk.

Prends garde a toi.

My computer does not understand English typing and my lacking of accent marks. Bleughh…. Si je t’aime prend guard a toi.

Posted by: Molly!!! | May 30, 2012

Fringe Rantin

Oh hai again.

So I’m drunk and need to go on a rant; therefore: it’s bloggitty time.

Also there’s no spoilers here if you haven’t seen the show. I think. I dunno. I’m on that border of tipsy and drunk so no promises [but probably not].

I recently started watching Fringe (on Fox). I heard it was an awesome show and I’m pretty into it (catching up – towards end of season two). But anyway onto the drunken rant.

In Season One I was particularly perturbed by the intro.  The intro shows a bunch of words relevant to the ridiculous “fringe science” type things that are explored in the show. First thing that turned me off about the show was that dark matter was one of the words listed. Dark Matter??!?!?! Sorry I know I haven’t updated this blog since I was a goddamn angsty teen but I am currently a senior in astro-physics at UIUC and so that was just one of the words that stuck out to me. Dark matter is one of the things in astronomy that is actually comprehensible. I could understand maybe dark energy being one of the words in the intro (I mean, as an [drunk] undergrad, I have no fucking clue what the fuck that shit is).

Fringe Intro Season One {Only necessary to watch first 30 seconds to know what I’m talking about, though the rest seems definitely interesting and like something I should have looked into before writing this post but fuuuck it [umm… yolo?]. But looking at that I also just noticed Dark Matter is listed twice! C’mon Fox, get yo shit together! I know science ain’t yo forte but shiiit.}

But as of Season Two that word has been removed and you have no idea what kind of relief it’s been to watch season two noticing this. I’m sure other words have been replaced and I haven’t noticed anything particularly unsettling since I started paying attention to the intros in Season Two.


Anyway, more to rant about… I think. I dunno, I’m getting drunker.

So at the very beginning of this show I noticed that most of this science is based on galvinism. And I realize this show is about bullshit made-up pseudo science, but even now at the end of season dos, a large number of problems are solved by just pumping more electricity into things. I feel like this is the version of this show that could have existed 40 years ago. I feel like X-Files at least dealt with more interesting (completely hypothetical) shit – granted X-Files didn’t try as hard to make things make sense in terms of modern science (and granted… I only saw two episode of the X-Files so feel free to correct my drunk-ass). Science fiction really hasn’t gotten any more complex than Dr. Frankenstein? Read a fucking book. Take a science class at a community college.

Also Walter (big smart scientist muthafucka in the show) keeps calling things theories that are nothing more than hypotheses (ridiculous ones at that). And I know the whole idea is “All this ridiculous fucking science fiction shit that makes no sense could totes happen because physics is breakin down n shit in this crazy universe because… science?” but as a scientist (even a scientist who has been in a mental hospital for 15 years and researched pseudo science) Walter should know the difference between a theory and a hypothesis. This is such a ridiculously minor thing to rant about, but still, I feel I must mention it given my education as a hopeful scientist.

All this being said, Fringe is a pretty great show. The characters are well developed (I mean, not so much the first season, and the acting is not great). The plot is interesting. Etc. Etc. I don’t watch much television (cuz I refuse to pay for it bitchezzz), but this is one of the not so painful things to watch on network TV. I really honestly would have to recommend it though.


Til the next time I’m this bored and drunk internetz… til next time.

Posted by: Molly!!! | December 26, 2010

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Celebrity CollageFamily historyGeneology

Posted by: Molly!!! | May 3, 2010

bloggity bloggity…

So… Time to update on my life? I have to do physics homework before tomorrow; still trying to do French homework from two weeks ago…. yeah, this seems like the right time to blather on about nothing which no one will ever read on the interwebs.

Last sort-of actual update: November. Things were different then. I thought things were shitty then… and they were. But now…

Last Update: “Fuck my life.” This is a different kind of shitty.

The jist of what has happened in between those updates: This semester has gone much differently than last semester. Slightly more partying. Slightly more alcoholism. Slightly less doing homework. Much more failing calculus. Quite a bit more being a douchebag. You don’t need much more detail than that. I’ve essentially stopped giving a shit – about everything. Welcome to college. Really don’t think I belong, but like everyone else here [and Steve Gutenberg in that one movie], I got no place else to go.

So finals are next week. We had our fourth calc test today, which I didn’t go to. If I had gone, I couldn’t have expected more than 5/55 points. I felt faking sick was a better option. I emailed the teacher and told him I was sick. He never emailed me back. I might not be excused from the test, which would mean that I got zero points on it, which would then mean that I’m officially getting an F (rather than a D-) in calc3, which of course means that my GPA is fucked….

In other news, I feel like I’ve been an asshole to everyone. But especially my boyfriend. I’ve just been such an asshole. I cannot even describe the supreme amount of douchebaggy assholeness that I have secreted in the last few months.

But umm…. I feel like this is a super boring self-involved blog post. Shit… I don’t really have much else to talk about. I’m so self-absorbed.

Soooo….. How ’bout them Blackhawks? Fuck yeah, am I right? In the playoffs and shit. Kicked the Predators’ asses fo’ sho. I don’t know about them Canucks, man. I just don’t know. Not uhh…. not lookin’ too good.

Any good movies recently to talk about..? Anyone see Kick Ass? That movie looked fucking sweet. Wish I’d seen that. Think my boyfriend saw it with some other girl…. He said it was pretty good.

Saw Hot Tub Time Machine over Spring Break. That movie was pretty… awesome.

Hope this summer goes well. I just don’t know what to do with my life anymore. I’m a fucked up person.

Posted by: Molly!!! | April 16, 2010


My Life.

Oh hello there blog! I’m weeks behind on homework and you know what that means… time for a blog update!

And since today happens to be Valentine’s Day and I really don’t have much to say… Cutesy romantic photos for to help you get into the moods!

Yes, there is a booby in this. Please don't edit the love of Valentine's Day, WordPress!

Gettin' it on all up in second base. Way to go, T-Rez.

I think it's even funnier when you actually know these 2 people :)

This is actually what I use to make Valentine's cards on my computer every year... yes, it is Sailor Moon.

Mmmmm yeah...

Who wouldn't be turned on by this?

Tuxedo Kamen-Sama!!!

More Sailor Moon!!! Yay!!!


So I had a thing for math teachers back in high school! Big deal!

My freshman algebra teacher. Are you going to try to tell me he's not foxy?

The infamous red robe pic... oh yes.

Posted by: Molly!!! | January 22, 2010


Ok, about the header image. Anyone who actually looked at the picture could probably figure out that it’s not Haiti. It’s a funny picture I found after Hurricane Katrina a few years back and I never had the opportunity to use it.

… Yes, I am very insensitive. But seriously, if you have the opportunity, you should help Haiti. Because that place already wasn’t too great before that earthquake. And their population got fucked pretty hard. So… that’s all I know about that. Seriously, I have no clue what’s going on in the world.

Posted by: Molly!!! | November 12, 2009

~Update Time!~

Totally just looked at my blog and realized I haven’t posted since end of summer [and there was still a picture of the easter bunny in the header!]! And what better time to do this than when I have a ridiculous amount of homework to do! OMGz So much to tell!

Not really actually. Living the dorm life is not as glamorous as you may think.


I wish ours was this big and pretty!

I’ve realized that everything is exactly like the College Humor Guide to College!!! If you’re in college or going to be, check out this book. Everything in it is right: the always being sick, the getting fat, the constant napping, joining a bunch of clubs and then never going to meetings! It’s all happening!

When I quit Party City this summer (my last update was right after I gave my 2 weeks notice), things got a little weird. My assistant manager had been a huge dick to me lately for no reason, and he was really starting to piss me off. No one really liked this guy to begin with, and when I knew I was about to leave I didn’t care if he was completely aware of how much I hated him. So, down to one week left – I was only scheduled for like 3 days that week because my bosses were starting to get pissed at me by that point.

been a while since I've done one of these pictures

I was already having a shit morning. Worked until close the night before. Went straight to the city and went out drinking with my sister, drove back a little after 5, got a fucking speeding ticket. As soon as I get into work that morning (I’m a little early), I go over to talk to the people downstocking and just start helping them. Those people proceed to tell me that our manager informed everyone working that day that I had been a total whiny bitch closing the night before. Fuck that asshole. I really didn’t want to deal with that prick. So I didn’t go back to the office and let him know I was there or anything. He comes up and gets pissed off at me. Gets flustered. Tells me to go clean the windows. Fucking asshole. No one cleans the windows.

I fucking clean the windows. I go back to doing my job. He comes up and tells me to stop doing my job, and go home. I am so fucking done with Party City by this point. I step outside the isle where everyone was. Call the manager a douchebag, tell him to fuck himself, go home. It was a good day.

So I just thought I’d share the interesting little anecdote of how that ended and why I probably shouldn’t put it down on a job resume…. I was fucking awesome at that job for a little while though.

If he ever sees my drawings, he'll know I'm retarded. No one tell!

Note to WordPress Editors: He just has a third leg! I swear!

So not much else new. Still dating this fucking amazing guy who I’m completely in love with. He’s such a fucking cool person (and he’s damn sexy). It’s awesome.

I’ve gone home this year more than any other freshman I’ve talked to just so I could hang out with him. It’s been really cool.

I haven’t really partied at all though because I constantly seem to be epically behind on homework 😦 😦 It blows!

So I guess that’s all I really had to share. I feel like this is definitely getting too long and boring. Perhaps I will make an actual update some time in the future O.o

Posted by: Molly!!! | November 12, 2009

FAR dining hall experience… kinda

Why am I blogging right now when I’m so epically behind on homework?

Because that’s the only time I will ever update apparently!


So I’m totally lame and freaking out a little right now. I just went out to a dining hall with a bunch of girls from my floor. It was this random shitty dining hall we live right next to. Never been to it, and tonight was “soul food” night. Hellz yeah fried chicken mashed potatoes! They had a dj blasting black music too. It was pretty fucking badass. Having a pretty good time…

But wait… is that my fucking ex boyfriend?

Holy shit. It totally has to be.

No fucking way. That makes no sense. He got kicked out of this school! What the fuck would he be doing in the dining hall here? And of all the random fucking nights he would choose to go to a university dining hall, which a nonstudent can’t get into unless someone who goes here pays for you with his own meal credits, why the fuck would I see him in this random place on this random night?

I knew it had to be him. But it didn’t make sense as to why. So I decided I was obviously just going crazy – nothing new there.

I had to find out if it was actually him, or it was going to epically bug me forever, because I’m lame and obsessive about going insane like that.

The only way that made sense was to text him. But if I text him, he will have my phone number = conflict!

[background story: the ex, while I was still facebook friends with him, put up a group asking for phone numbers because he lost all of his. I just muttered ‘thank god,’ ignored the request, and deleted him as my friend.]

As much as I hate myself for it, I had to text him and find out if I was insane. I just sent him an embarrassing text asking if “by any chance he was around FAR that night” without stating my name.

He texted me back, and indeed, he did go to “check out racist thursday.” He didn’t ask who it was texting him or anything. Hope he didn’t recognize my number or anything.

Why he was there: I don’t know, I really don’t fucking care. I’m not insane.


</Boring self involved rant>


I’m fucked up.

Posted by: Molly!!! | July 30, 2009

The end is the beginning is the end… or something.

Summer’s nearing its end. The time can be counted in weeks (or days depending on how much of a downer asshole you want to be). The greatest memory I take away from this summer is the combination pizza hut and taco bell song. Great song. It’s definitely my anthem of summer ’09. Every time that song plays something awesome happens; mostly dancing and singing along and eventually going to the combination pizza hut and taco bell. But then you get there and are disappointed that the don’t have p’zones, because apparently you have to go to a real pizza hut for that (you make the best of it and get a chalupa). And that’s kind of like that fleeting feeling of summer. I guess. I don’t really know. College!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone else pumped?!??!?!

I’m maybe not that pumped. I’m excited at least th0ugh! But no more than one exclamation point worth. I’m excited to be out on my own, far away from my parents, and meeting new people; but I’m sharing a bathroom with a floor full of girls, mooching off my parents has definite perks, and meeting new people mostly makes me sweat. Not to mention the fact that school always seems to come at the worst possible times. I’m not ready for summer to end yet! The weather’s finally nice! I just discovered how awesome it is to be unemployed (I just had a week off with nothing to do, but I guess I still have 2 weeks left until I can leave work for good). And of course I had to go and fall in love with an amazing guy over the summer. GREAT TIMING, SCHOOL.
I mean, I met the guy at CLC, so he already lives like half an hour away from my house. Now I’m going 3 hours south, to essentially the middle of bum-fuck nowhere, for school. And then the next year he’s probably going to school out in f-ing Arizona, so then it’s definitely going to be over. But no, I had to go and fall in love with him and all that good bullshit, so we have to drag it out even longer. I mean, I honestly see him breaking up with me some time around Thanksgiving. I’ve never dated a guy who I’ve known right away is just too good for me. It’s weird, and makes no sense that he would have wanted to go out with me more than twice, but I feel lucky as shit. I might as well roll with it 🙂

Anywayz, I could go on longer typing about how awesome he is, but even I can try to keep some of my dignity intact. So… I’m happy right now. Life’s good. Sad summer’s ending. Nothing more to say. Oh well. OK.

Posted by: Molly!!! | June 2, 2009

I’m white [in the literal sense].

Well blog, it’s been a while. I’ll just briefly update on what’s gone on since I last updated. Went skydiving, did some highly embarrassing karaoke, got text messaging, completely stopped doing anything at work (almost entirely due to text messaging), went to prom, and graduated high school. Pretty dull stuff. Not much to say about it.

Anyway, it’s now summer time. Which means it is once again time for me to epically fail at getting a tan. And I’ve already started the process dooming me to be pale for another year. I almost went on having the word “pail” instead of “pale.” That would have been embarrassing because a pail is like a bucket or something and that would clearly make no sense. That would have been a silly typo to make. Good thing I already changed it before it was read and thus have no reason to make you aware of this small mistake that you probably wouldn’t have noticed anyway. I mention this for the shear sake of continuing to be boring to any reader who has not yet left.

Anyhoozle, so I’ve gone outside a few times this year and tried to tan. So far, I’m still the whitest kid I’ve ever seen. Last year I tried not using sunscreen at all, which kind of worked; until the red painful layer fell off and I was somehow back to being extremely pale again. So this year I decided to actually use sunscreen. However, all we have in my house if spf30, which equals no tan for me. I refuse to go out and buy more crap just for a lower spf, so I decide to just use a little bit of sunscreen – hopefully that will do something.

I also seem to have a low tolerance for the sun, which makes tanning very difficult. After an hour of laying there doing absolutely nothing, I start going insane and have to leave and go do something. And once I start doing something that seems worthwhile and provides instant gratification, it’s impossible to force myself to go back and attempt to get a tan. I’ve tried actually doing things while I’m stuck outside tanning: reading, games, text conversations. None of those work at all because the sun is too fucking bright to really see what you’re doing. My mom says you can just go to sleep. Ummm… No. That’s got to be one of the most uncomfortable places to sleep ever: hard wood, sun glaring at you.

So you’re essentially doomed to just lying there in boredom. The bugs make it suck though. I do not fucking like bugs and shit. Especially shit, that stuff just grosses me the fuck out. So… bees and wasps live inside the wood of our deck outside. Like, whole mother fucking colonies. Surrounding the small area that is our deck. It’s like my fucking nightmare. I thought someone told me bees were, like, endangered or some shit? Although, once you get past the constant paranoia as you hear them buzzing past you, it’s not so bad. None really bother you and land on you at all, they just fly past your ears to try and make you flip the fuck out – which almost always works. Only ants ever really crawl on you out there, and you can just kind of flick those off if they bother you. Except fucking yesterday… I’d been out for an hour, but it was fucking gorgeous outside and I figured I could probably stay out for almost another hour. Until out of fucking nowhere, this huge-ass black spider fucking lands on my lips somehow! Needless to say, I flip the fuck out to the max. That pretty much killed my day right there.

So here I am. Pale. White. Ghostly. Another year of not being able to tan. Irish ancestry fucks me once again. Fucking Irish. I think I’m part Irish. Maybe not… I’m also supposedly part Swedish. And Native American. I think my dad just kind of made our ancestry up though. I’m a very specific ethnicity of European descent which does not tan at all… except my sister who is fucking brown. I got the shitty genes – the genes that make me glow in the dark. I am one effulgent mother fucker.

Anyway… wow. Why the fuck did I talk about this?

If there’s any message I want anyone to take away from reading this post it is: SKYDIVING IS FUCKING AMAZING AND YOU SHOULD FUCKING DO IT!!!! BECAUSE IT IS THE MOST INCREDIBLE THING YOU WILL EVER DO!!! I mean, there’s no reason not to. It’s really safe and relatively affordable… and also FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!

Posted by: Molly!!! | May 11, 2009


Not the Bowie song…. The Obama Chia Pet!!!!!!!!!!!

ZOMG! Chia Obama!!!!!!

AHHHHHH!!!! I want one so bad!!! It’s so fucking ridiculous! I want to grow out his luscious black afro in Chia form! I’ll have my own Obama pet!
I love that he’s available in two different facial expressions: “Determined” & “Down Syndrome”

Posted by: Molly!!! | May 11, 2009


I have nothing more to say.

Posted by: Molly!!! | May 5, 2009

Damn it!

Why did I have to help my mom make that Facebook?

Posted by: Molly!!! | May 2, 2009


OK. I hate sports channels. They are the most unreliable channels ever. The TV Guide or whatever can say that the hockey playoffs started half an hour ago, but you turn it on and .. Bull riding…. Bull riding: not a real sport. It’s a rodeo activity purely for the spectators. It’s only good when someone gets gored, and with regulations nowadays: forget about it!

Seriously though, how long could they have misjudged that the bull-riding show would last? No one stays on the bull past 8 seconds. Did some guy philibuster the competition and just ride the bull around the track like a show-pony for 45 minutes? This thing doesn’t seem like it’s near the end either…. Bull riding is sponsored by Pabst Blue Ribbon? Pabst Bull Riding? That made so sense. This is stupid. I forgot the real reason I was initially going to start this rant. I love bull riding now. It’s so fucking stupid. I want to marry it. I don’t understand why the bull is so calm when surrounded in that little blue cage, then he just flips the fuck out! It’s crazy! It’s stupid! It’s pointless and easy to fuck yourself up doing it! You basically let yourself be violently flung from a giant fuzzy angry buffalo looking creature. I wish they were buffalo. I would enter a buffalo riding competition. They’re so peaceful and majestic. I would just ride it around until it was tired. Then cook it and eat it. A whole day of fun! Mmmm… buffalo.

I’d probably rather watch bull riding (or buffalo riding for that matter) than baseball any day.

Anyway, so. Sports channels, yeah. Crazy. Not all that reliable.

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